6 Week guide to your first pull up!

Pull-ups are done by lifting your body up to a bar and lowering yourself back down. This bodyweight exercise is used in military training protocols and they are not one of the simplest exercises to perform. Along with the intense nature of this exercise, comes a...

How to do your push ups the right way!

Ever done a push-up and felt your hips hit the ground and your arms barely bend? We've been there. A push-up is a total-body functional movement that is great for increasing strength and has the added benefit of engaging the core and lower body. Being a bodyweight...

Just Show Up, Come In, and Do It!

Just Show Up, Come In, and Do It!

Magda Mrozek has been a member at SkeeTown CrossFit since January 2017. Since joining, she has become a friendly, familiar face around our box. She took a few minutes after working out to share a little bit about herself, her workouts, and what brings her back for...

How To Squat

How To Squat

The squat is the most important exercise you’ll ever do. You squatted before you could walk. And the squats you did before your first birthday were probably better than the ones you do now. The squat is a natural exercise that we UNLEARN over time, thanks to our...