Lift to Live Well

Lift to Live Well

Life expectancy has increased drastically, and the number of older persons across the world is expected to more than double over the next four decades to reach a staggering 392 million persons aged 80 years or more by the year 2050 (32). This increase in life...

Seniors: How to Say No to Chronic Disease

Seniors: How to Say No to Chronic Disease

Physical activity generally decreases as people age, which allows hypokinetic diseases to ravage older populations. I’m older than 86 percent of the Earth’s population. I’m an aging academic. I’m an aging parent. I’m an aging worker. I’m an aging trainee. And I am...

Your Child Doesn’t Need Sugar!

Your Child Doesn’t Need Sugar!

Sugar: It’s everywhere, and it seems that we can’t just get enough. Over the last 30 years, Americans have increased their sugar consumption by over 30 percent. It’s in ice cream, doughnuts, cake, frozen yogurt and all the other usual culprits, but it’s also hidden in...

How Much Food Should I eat?

How Much Food Should I eat?

Anyone who has tried to calculate his or her caloric expenditure has likely become confused about which calculator or method is “best.” You might find disparate estimates and quickly wonder if you are better described as “moderately” or “very” active. Here is the...

How to Do the Shoulder Bridge

You might think this is a really easy one! I just have my class lay on the floor and lift their hips up a few times and they've gotten some stuff moving! Let's add some additional value with this movement and make you the expert. While the movement of lifting the hips...

Your Doctor Doesn’t Even Lift!

Your Doctor Doesn’t Even Lift!

I completely understand why people hate CrossFit. CrossFitters are an incredibly annoying group of people. They talk about CrossFit non-stop, they wear CrossFit sneakers, and they display misguided pride over their disgusting hand calluses. And CrossFit workouts?...