Meet member Mark Smith! He is the creative genius behind our new logo! When Mark isn’t working out or being active, he is a Graphic Designer and actually the company owner of eagerpeople. Mark is always a kind, encouraging person to work out with, and his efforts are impressive. This guy is strong! He answered a few questions for us about his thoughts regarding SkeeTown CrossFit.

What do you remember about your first workout at SkeeTown?
I remember my first workout at SkeeTown to be very humbling. I thought I was strong coming in but soon realized that I had barely scratched the surface of my athletic potential.

What’s your favorite thing to do in a workout?
My favorite thing to do in a workout would be the kipping pull up… that or mobilizing after the WOD.

What advice do you have for new members?
My advice would be to focus on form and technique before adding more weight. Remember to mobilize before and after each workout. (These are for sure wise words, Mark! It’s so important to avoid injury!)

What keeps you coming back to SkeeTown CrossFit?
Each day is something new that de-stresses me and pushes me to my limits. The coaches are professionally educated in assisting with any injuries I have. The camaraderie of the SkeeTown crew feels like you are part of a team.

That it does, Mark. And we are so happy that you are a valuable part of our team at SkeeTown!