Meet a Member Monday

Well, actually, today it’s meet TWO members because these two generally travel as a duo! Lauren and Adrian have been members at SkeeTown since July 2016. We love this cute CrossFit couple! Who knew the competition was so fierce between them? They were kind enough to share a little about their CrossFit experience with us.

What do you remember about your first workout?  Lauren: My first workout was with “New You!” I actually remember the workout being easier than expected, but I QUICKLY learned how challenging CrossFit can actually be!  Adrian: I remember going too hard in the paint! Haha! But learning to find a pace was my first important lesson!

What is your favorite thing to do? Lauren: My favorite thing is to beat Adrian through the workout. Bragging rights are important in a healthy relationship!   Adrian: My favorite thing to do are muscle ups because I was never able to do them before starting CrossFit.

What is your advice for new members? Lauren: Don’t stand behind Adrian during squats! (Ummm, I’m not a new member Lauren, but I am taking this advice to heart. Note to self!!!)  Adrian: Don’t focus on your failure! Always focus on your achievements, no matter how small they seem.

What keeps you coming back to SkeeTown CrossFit? Lauren: The family and atmosphere! I love our community!  Adrian: Putting Lauren in her place, which is 2nd… behind me!

Do you want to workout with your significant other, or join with a friend? Research shows that you are most likely to stick with a nutrition and exercise program if you have an accountability partner, or are part of an accountability group. Grab a friend and schedule a time to come in for a “No Sweat Intro”, and our coaches can assess your fitness level and get you started. Or, be like Lauren! Join one of our “New You” classes, which is a six-week group program focusing on healthy nutrition, establishing healthy habits, and easing your way into a consistent exercise program. Many people, like Lauren, transition from our “New You” program to CrossFit. Scroll to the top for links to learn how to get started!