Hey, hey peeps! It’s Monday so please allow us to introduce you to one of our amazing SkeeTown members! Meet Mike Culleton! Here he is this past September, running a Spartan Race! (Looking good, Mike!) You would probably never guess that he just started getting serious about nutrition and fitness this past summer! A few times a year, we offer a “New You” Challenge. It’s a six week challenge group that many people join looking to get themselves back into shape, or to start exercising for the first time. In addition to the exercise and fitness program, all members follow a prescribed nutrition plan. Measurements are taken before and after, and participants meet and work out with a coach three times a week. Mike was a member of our summer “New You,” and he made INCREDIBLE gains! This guy showed up to EVERY workout, followed the meal plan, and to those of us who watched his progress week after week, seemed to simply melt away! His fitness transformation was awe-inspiring to say the least! As “New You” ended, he transitioned over to our regular CrossFit classes and continues to wow us with his results! Here is what Mike had to say about his experience at SkeeTown CrossFit.


What do you remember about your first workout? During my first workout, I realized how out of shape I was and how bad my cardiovascular health had gotten!

When working out, what is your favorite thing to do? My favorite thing to do in a workout is box jumps. I also enjoy all presses.

What advice do you have for new members? To all new members I would like to say don’t miss a workout and stick to the meal plan. The results will come! Trust me!



Mike, proudly displaying his results from the 6 week “New You” Challenge.


What did you feel like before starting CrossFit? And how do you feel now? Before I started CrossFit, I felt tired, lazy, and just overall not happy with myself. Now I feel younger, stronger, more athletic and overall feel healthier!

Any physical changes you would like to share? Yes. I have lost 28 pounds, and lost about 9 inches overall. (PEOPLE!!!! ARE YOU READING THIS!?!?!?! AWESOME JOB, MIKE!!!! WOWOWOWOWOW!!!)

What is special about SkeeTown CrossFit that keeps you coming back? SkeeTown CrossFIt feels like a family. The coaches are fantastic and the other members are there to help you and to cheer you on! It’s no place for an ego or to brag. It’s a place where we all got to get stronger, physically and mentally. And we push each other to get better every workout and every day!


Mike competing in his first “SkeeTown Open.”

Mike is a busy husband, father of two young children (almost three), and working professional who simply was sick of feeling the way he did, so he made a commitment to making a change in an effort to improve his overall health. It hasn’t been easy, but he has stuck with it, gotten awesome results, and continues to make gains! He religiously shows up to work out, and to encourage others! His achievements and positive attitude serve as an inspiration to others around the gym and we are so glad to have him as part of our SkeeTown family! We are wowed by you, Mike!!!



Ready to make a change for yourself? Set up an appointment to meet with one of our coaches today! We can get you started on your journey! Click the link here, and set up an appointment online that fits your schedule.

Click the link here ——> www.springlakecf.wpengine.com/no-sweat-intro/

Stronger EVERY day!