5 Reasons to Try Your First CrossFit Class

Let’s say you heard crossfit was really fun, you’ve seen people have amazing results from it, and you heard cross fitters have a very connected and supported community and you think I want all that!

So you agree to try your first crossfit class and at first you’re excited and you’re thinking this will be a great opportunity for me to try something I’ve been wanting to try.

But then, you show up to the gym, see other people confidently walking in, and then you start to feel uncomfortable, you’re heart starts speeding up, and your palms start getting sweaty, and you think why did I agree to do this?

That uncomfortable, shaky feeling is what Dr. Brene Brown, a professor and vulnerability researcher at the University of Houston describes as VULNERABILITY.

It makes you want to turn around and go home where you can escape the potential judgment of others and your own fear of uncertainty.

And let me just say, I felt it all of that as I sat in the parking lot of Friction CrossFit, in my hometown of Muskegon, Michigan, about to go into my first crossfit class.

As I sat in the parking lot, these thoughts came in my mind…What did you get yourself into? You’re not one of those hardcore, athletic people and what if you can’t even make it through the whole workout? That will be embarrassing.

Yep, those were honestly my thoughts. I even wrote them down before I walked in because past history shows I tend to create what I call “mind drama” anytime I step out to try something new. Even though afterwards, I am almost always so proud of myself for showing up, and it usually turns out way better than I ever thought it would.

I also know I’m not the only “mind drama creator” out there. I am sure many other crossfitters out there would describe their prior first crossfit class thoughts to be something similar to mine.

If you’re thinking you’re one of the only ones intimidated by crossfit, you’re wrong. In fact, many don’t try cross fit and may never will due to feeling intimidated by it.

From my experience as a professional life coach, surrendering to those fearful feelings and not allowing yourself to feel vulnerable is exactly what keeps most people stuck living lives they’re NOT happy with.

In her book Daring Greatly,Dr. Brene Brown describes vulnerability as uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure and as the very thing that is needed to experience true joy, build close relationships, and create amazing things. She describes vulnerability as courage. Courage is not stepping out with the absence of fear, it’s stepping out in the presence of fear.

So many let their fears keep them playing small, keep them from improving their lives, and keep them from establishing meaningful relationships. Don’t let that be you.

Amazing things happen outside of your comfort zone.

I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried my first CrossFit class and want to encourage you to do the same.

Here are 5 reasons you should try your first Crossfit class.

  1. You will be taking a class with other human beings.
    Yes, other imperfect human beings who know what fear feels like, who know what it is like to try their first class, and who love connecting with new people. It’s a human thing. We love connection.
  2. It’s free.
    Yep, your first crossfit class is free. So what’s the worst that could happen? Answer: You don’t like crossfit and end up having a crossfit free life. Well, hey isn’t that the kind of life you’re already living now? Truth, most of us are spending so much energy resisting what already is, so let the resistence go, and think of the best thing that could happen, such as you practicing courage, you finding a new hobby that keeps you healthy, you meeting wonderful people who encourage you, and you getting sexy fit!
  3. Doing what you are afraid to do makes you proud.
    Even if you don’t like your crossfit class, which I doubt will be the case, you will still be proud of yourself for showing up and doing that thing you felt a lot of resistance to do. Feeling proud of yourself feels so good and that feeling often pushes you to take other meaningful actions in your life. Because let’s face it, it’s hard to stay motivated when you feel like crap. Oh, but when you feel proud, you get stuff done.
  4. It’s like recess for grown ups
    Remember how fun it was to have recess as a kid? I mean that’s what I looked forward to in school. It was a time to get out, do something active with your peers, and let that energy flow. Well, cross fit is like an intense recess class (as my yoga teacher friend describes it). It involves a variety of workouts completely “doable” by you so you don’t get bored. Plus, the music and energy of other people helps keep you motivated. Sometimes you even go outside to workout with your cross fit peeps, which feels like a field trip. Field trips and recess=fun
  5. You do it as a group, yet it is personalized to you.
    Everyone is working out at the same time during your crossfit class, which helps with accountability. We all know you are much more likely to stick to doing something when someone is holding you accountable or they’re right there doing it with you. During the crossfit class, everyone is doing the same types of workouts as you, yet you are completing the workouts at your pace. When you’re lifting, you’re lifting the amount of weight that is best for you. Yes, your crossfit coaches are focused on encouraging you to improve, but they want you to do it in a safe way that works for you. They will help you figure out what is the best weight for you or other ways to scale or modify the workouts and they enjoy helping you. My cross fit coach, Nate was so helpful in showing me how to do the workouts and encouraging me throughout the whole process. Even when I wasn’t sure what to do, I felt like I was supported and I belonged there.

Overall, I’m so glad I tried the crossfit class, despite my fear and uncertainty. It was a great workout with a lot of variety and it provided the awesome opportunity to connect with other people in a supportive and encouraging environment. As Arnold Schwarzenegger says, “I’ll be back.”

I hope you step out of your comfort zone and try your first crossfit class too. The only thing you have to lose is the fear that is keeping you playing small. Once you let that go, imagine all the amazing things you could create in your life.

By: Angela Weeks